The 33

Sale price$ 119.00 USD

Train and recover with the one tool that you can push, pull, squat, lunge, then deep tissue roll. The RAM is like a foam roller and compact weight ideal for workouts, activation, and recovery -  anywhere, anytime.


*Please note: the product might have visual imperfections (ex.: blemishes, cracks) from the manufacturing process and recycled materials. These have no impact on the product's performance.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews


Lynette Stults

All of the RAMs are great additions to CoreStrong Fitness. They are so versatile, having so many options for different exercises. The different weights are also a benefit. There is no limit to the ways to use these plus they offer a total body workout.

Bob Gaskill
Great tools for everyday workouts!

I use Rams personally weekly and with my clients as well. They are all good but the 33 seems to be the most versatile weight I use the most. I recommend getting multiple weights and incorporate into your workouts.

Ashley Martinez
Functional and fun

As a CPT, Hybrid athlete and boot camp instructor I love my collection of RAMs. I use them for my clients and myself and I find the 33# to be spot on for most exercises. I love that I can get a total body workout with just 1 piece of equipment. I can change the exercises to run an endurance based or high intensity based workout. Great investment!

Christy Dunton
Most Versatile and best training tool

I am a Deka athlete, CPT and boot camp instructor and use a RAM weekly in my training to myself in programming and also for my clients. I recommend all my clients adding one, two or three of these to their arsenal of equipment!